
Clearly Engineered provides services for a variety of industries, but with particular expertise in standing up and streamlining labs providing lifecycle sustainment for Radio Frequency based Electronic Warfare systems. Relying on cross-functional proficiencies, we provide capability to execute the mission from staff training to infrastructure development to technical documentation. Services even include assistance outside of the lab, such as maintainer training on the flight line. These capabilities can be delivered in an ongoing basis, or as surge support during intense workload periods such as contract ramp-up.

Help you devise a solution

We don’t just provide you with a product, we first work with your feedback and inputs to assess the current / proposed process to understand your goals. Only then do we suggest how to reach your end target, ensuring concurrence every step of the way.

There at the start, there at the end

Our solutions are delivered with efficiency, from the requirements at the start of the project to the testing and validation done at delivery. Full traceability ensures that agreed-upon requirements are met by the final product.

Transparency is critical

At every step of the design process, the customer has visibility into the documentation, state of the project, current timelines, and outstanding issues. Challenges are discussed as early as possible in order to avoid impacts to the deliverable.